Equine Acupuncture & Aquapuncture
Acupuncture is a form of traditional medicine originating from Chinese approach focusing on the body's energy to help promote healing and health. This ancient form of natural medicine uses the body's Qi (pronounced 'chee') which is referred to the life force to all beings. When this natural energy in the body is disturbed or inhibited of flowing this can cause disease and discomfort. By inserting dry needles through the skin at specific points through the body, this stimulates the flow of Qi and opens channels that may be blocked by pain, discomfort, or disease. According to Chinese medicine, blocked Qi results in pain which acupuncture helps release these blockages hence releasing pain. Alongside dry-needle acupuncture; electroacupuncture uses a small amount of electricity between needles to enhance the benefits of dry-needle acupuncture.
Acupuncture is a great tool utilized in most sport horses to help decrease soreness or pain from strenuous exercise and competition. By inserting needles into specific acupoints throughout the horses body, this helps to elicit a nerve response opening the blocked channels and communicating with the horses brain for a physiological response. Another form of acupuncture that relies on response to the acupoints is aquapuncture. This practice injects a sterile solution, most often Vitamin B12, into these acupoints for a continuous stimulation over a longer period of time.
Acupuncture is a great tool utilized in most sport horses to help decrease soreness or pain from strenuous exercise and competition. By inserting needles into specific acupoints throughout the horses body, this helps to elicit a nerve response opening the blocked channels and communicating with the horses brain for a physiological response. Another form of acupuncture that relies on response to the acupoints is aquapuncture. This practice injects a sterile solution, most often Vitamin B12, into these acupoints for a continuous stimulation over a longer period of time.
Equine Chiropractic
Equine chiropractic focuses on treating, diagnosing, and preventing disorders related to the musculoskeletal system. Just like in people, when the body is out of alignment this can cause a cascade effect of soreness and lameness in the horse when deriving from structures such as hips, the spine, neck, or even ribs. Chiropractic treatment is done by applying controlled force of the doctors hands to a specific anatomic region of the horse, often along the spine. The end goal of a chiropractic adjustment is to allow coordinated movement of all segments to optimize spinal joint neuromuscular function. By restoring the optimal range of motion in the joint, this alleviates any inflammation in the surrounding nerves and soft tissue that may occur due to any excess pressure. Chiropractic is a great way to asses how your horse may be carrying themselves during workouts, help pinpoint lameness, and sometimes can explain unwanted behavior and alleviate pain.